Your guide to ditching those negative thought loops and using criticism to fuel your glow

Okay, let’s get real. We all know that feeling when someone drops a little criticism and it sends you down a shame spiral that’s darker than a midnight blackout. You replay it on a loop. You question your skills. You start second-guessing everything you do.

Girl, it’s time to put a stop to THAT mess. We cannot let a few poorly worded comments hold so much power over us. It’s giving “hater fuel,” and we don’t play that game at Fierce Millennial.

Here’s the thing about criticism: Sometimes it’s legit feedback that can help us grow. Other times, it’s just someone’s hot garbage opinion. And even worse, sometimes that inner critic in our own heads is the harshest of them all.

So how do we tell the difference and stop ourselves from spiraling every time someone throws a little shade?

1. Pause, Breathe, & Separate Yourself (if possible)

When that criticism hits, your first instinct might be to fight back or shut down. Don’t. Instead, walk away – physically or mentally. Take a few deep breaths, splash some water on your face, and give yourself a moment to cool down. That initial sting is all about your ego, not about the actual critique.

2. Analyze the Criticism – Is There Merit?

Once you’re calmer, revisit the criticism with a level head. Is this about a personal flaw, or about a skill you can improve? If it’s the latter, sweet! This is a growth opportunity. Focus on understanding it, not on feeling bad about it.

3. Question the Source

Is this someone you trust and whose opinion matters in this area? If not, file this critique under “trash” and move on. If it’s your boss or someone who calls the shots, you need a slightly different game plan. Instead of spiraling, focus on strategizing: How can you address the valid concerns without letting it dent your confidence?

4. Watch Out for Your Inner Critic

Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. If that little voice inside your head is always finding fault, it’s time for a serious chat. Try journaling those negative thoughts and then counter them with evidence of all your awesomeness. Talk to yourself the way you would a good friend.

5. Shift Your Focus to Progress

Dwelling on criticism keeps us stuck. Shift your mental energy to celebrate what you did do right. What are your strengths? Where have you shown improvement? Focusing on the positive rewires your brain to be solution-oriented, not problem-obsessed.

6. Embrace Criticism as Fuel

Remember, some of the greatest successes were born from harsh criticism. Use that negative energy as fuel to prove ’em wrong. Not out of spite, but because you know you can do better and reach higher.

Important Note: If the criticism is straight-up nasty, abusive, or discriminatory, you owe these fools NOTHING. Put up those boundaries and protect your peace.

The Bottom Line:

Fierce Millennial, you are too talented and amazing to let random negativity hold you back. It’s time to boss up your mindset and use any criticism—internal or external—to propel you forward. We’re with you on this journey!

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